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What are social
skills groups?

In general, social skills groups are small groups led by an adult who teaches kids how to interact effectively with their peers. Social skills groups often focus on developing and maintaining friendships, managing emotions and problem-solving.

How we can help

Our social skills group 'Fun in the Park for Kids' is specifically for neurodiverse kids to enable them to learn and practice a variety of skills including interacting with peers, socialising, recognising and responding to emotions in others and returning to/improving school attendance.


With separate groups available for both primary and secondary aged students, this small group program is targeted to the needs and requirements of each individual group member.


To enquire about our social skills group programs please submit an enquiry form here.


The School Refusal Clinic values the lived experiences and contributions of people from all cultures, genders, sexualities, spiritualities, ages, abilities and backgrounds.


The School Refusal Clinic, SRC,
Walk and Talk © 2006-2023.  Phone: 0409 024 485
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